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Day 1

Captain's Log Day 1: I realize this is a Star Trek reference and the page indicates Star Wars. Goose would have called me out on that but I don't think they kept journals in Star Wars, and he liked Star Trek too so there you have it. I have decided to start this page as it was recommended to me by another bereaved parent to start a journal. I want the world to know how much he was loved so I figured why not share this with everyone.

Today I made your bed finally. They took your sheets and pillows, but I got fresh ones from the closet. I set up all of the council members and the rest of your buddies how I think you would have wanted them. Except, yes I know the council members are on the wrong pillow, but that pillow is gone now. I hope you are ok with that. You can haunt me if you're not, just please don't break anything I can do that part on my own. I also finished Jerry's gamer tag that you were working on. The name I came up with is so lame in comparison to the ones you had made for the other guys. Jdeer052206, I figured since he is a reindeer it would fit and the numbers are obvious. They were the only numbers I could think of. I put the name tags with the guys and I think if I am feeling up to it tomorrow morning I will try and hold a council meeting introducing Frizzle finally to the gang. Oh and I need to come up with a gamer name for Rocky, I think that's the only member left without one.

Goose, the out pouring of love for you from so many has made this hell a little more bearable for me. You don't have to worry about me, Moose is being taken care of. If you ever want to visit me, or give a smooch, I welcome it. I love you, always always Moose

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